Baby Registry Checklist/新生兒購物清單

expected parents

Congrats on the new additional member to your family!

It is popular to have a baby registry in the USA. They don’t give red envelopes as most Asian countries….instead, they buy you what you need or your baby needs.
There are many platforms to setup your baby registry. However, it does not matter which one you choose…they will recommend you a lot of “essentials”! It was really overwhelming for me to put my baby registry together. And yes as you can imagine…I put lots of things on there, and many of the items still sitting in my storage. Therefore, I created this checklist including all the essentials (based on my experience) to a new mother and a newborn (0-3 months old).
All the items on the list I personally have it and truly like it. Hope it is helpful for you.


在美國很流行把需要的東西放到Baby registry 上,因為美國人沒有包紅包的習慣,而是買你需要的東西送給你跟你的寶寶。
不管你用哪個平台放你的baby registry,所有平台都會推薦不同的「必需品」。記得當時的我被琳瑯滿目的選擇搞得有點手足無措。也放了很多東西,到現在還未開封的躺在我家儲藏櫃裡。所以我特別整理了一個我個人認為是對準媽媽和新生兒(0-3個月大)來說是「必需品」的清單。

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