4 Tips on How to Teach Your Little One Climb Down/四個小批步教你寶寶爬下樓梯

4-6 months crawling


1. 引導且抓著他的身體往下。一開始你會覺得寶寶好像什麼事都沒做,都是你一個人在把他往下拉。不過慢慢地當你寶寶開始進步,你給的幫忙就會慢慢的減少。
2. 一致性- 用同樣的手勢和語調。1) 當小籠包決定要頭先下的時候,我會用很誇張的手勢跟聲調說「No」,然後給他一點時間去反應。2) 當我開始要引導他的身體時,我會說「屁屁先」,然後同時將他的身體轉一圈再引導他身體往下。
3. 從低的地方開始。選寶寶在上面時,雙手無法碰到地面的高度。等寶寶開始理解下來這概念以後,可以慢慢讓他從比較高的地方下來,或者是下樓梯。
4. 重複再重複。有些寶寶學很快,有些寶寶則是要一段時間。不過只要你持之以恆,你的寶寶一定會學會的。相信這個過程,也相信自己的寶寶。最重要的是要相信你自己做的很棒!

When to start: you can start teaching your baby the skill as early as they start crawling.

1. Take your little one through the motions. Initially you probably need to do most of the work, then gradually reduce your help as they progress.
2. Being consistent. Use same gesture and verbal cues. 1) I always tell XLB no with same exaggerated facial expression and gesture when he plans to go head first. Then I would pause, and give him some time to process. 2) I say “Butt first” when I take him through the motions.
3. Start low. The height should be high enough that your little one is not able to reach the floor with their hands. Once they get better, you can gradually increase the height and eventually move to the stairs.
4. Repetition. Some babies learn really fast, and some babies take quite some times. As long as you being consistent, your baby will get it. Trust the process and trust your baby. Most importantly, trust yourself is doing a great job!
(Click here to see the video on my instagram.)
Last, I just want to remind you climbing down stairs should be always supervised by an adult. Please do not leave your baby alone at the staircase.
Give it a try. I can not wait to hear back from you on how it goes!

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