2 Tips to Optimal Your Baby’s Healthy Hips in Baby Wearing/ 兩招揹寶寶的技巧照顧好寶寶髖關節

0-3 months

1) In the M-position which means keeping your baby’s hips in abduction 40-55 degrees and flexion 90-110 degrees when you wear your little one.

2) In-ward facing carrying during the first six months of infancy. This way naturally promotes the M-position that we just talked about earlier.
Watch the videos on how to properly wear your baby. 

Why is it so important? Infant’s hip joints are relative shallow compared to adult’s hips. Therefore, it is important to keep you baby’s hips in the M-position to minimize the risks of dysplasia. That is also the reason that when you swaddle your baby, you only tighten the arms and keep the leg part loose.
What factors contribute to hip dysplasia? 
A family history to hip dysplasia, breech position, first born, female, prolonged labor, and large baby.

Some research fun facts:

1) Some research from Australia suggests that healthy hip positioning during early infancy may decreased the risk of adult arthritis.
2) A study from Norway reported that 90% of young adulty hip joints replacements for dysplasia were never diagnosed as dysplasia during infancy.

1) 寶寶的下半身要維持字母M的形狀。也就是雙腳個向外打開40-55度,和向上彎90-110度。

2) 寶寶面對你。這個方向,寶寶的雙腳會比較自然的呈現M 的形狀。
有哪些因素會導致寶寶容易有髖關節發育不良(hip dysplasia)呢?
1) 有一些澳洲的研究指出:嬰兒時期如果在擺放寶寶時有注意到髖關節的健康,能減少長大後得到髖關節關節炎的機率。
2) 有一個挪威的研究報告指出:90%成人因為髖關節發育不良而需要做換髖關節手術的人,在嬰兒時期都沒有被發現有髖關節發育不良的狀況。這告訴我們,有些寶寶髖關節發育不良(hip dysplasia)是沒有症狀的,所以身為父母的我們,在寶寶嬰兒期要多多費心一點已確保孩子髖關節的發育。

Reference: https://hipdysplasia.org/baby-wearing/

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